
Happy New Year From IRC!

January 17, 2024

IRC wishes you a happy and healthy New Year! 

As always, a new year brings with it, new resolutions. But just because the 2024 ball has dropped, it doesn’t mean you have to drop the ball on your 2024 resolutions.

Instead of the standard, often-dreaded, usually-ignored resolutions—let’s face it, no one wants to drink less coffee—how about making some resolutions that are non-caffeinated but still make you feel good? What’s realistic?

Resolution #1: Get products to market faster 

By utilizing IRC’s years of experience and dedicated staff, you can get filings submitted more efficiently and get approvals faster—giving your company a leg up on the competition. If you have an even greater need for speed, inquire about our partnership with FilingRamp, the innovative software that serves as a repository for project forms/rates/rules and allows for rapid preparation of filings and quick responses to objections.

Resolution #2: Get organized, stay current 

IRC prides itself on being an extension of your company. We are always here to help. So, take advantage of our reference filing services! On your behalf, we can track changes by conducting periodic reviews of advisory and rating organization circulars such as ISO and AAIS and present you with the updates that affect your lines of business and programs. We are also happy to assist with any reference filing preparation necessary to keep you current with all of the pertinent changes.  

Resolution #3: New year, new offerings 

Have you been thinking about launching a new program, tapping into a niche target market, or writing for a new line of business? IRC partners with our clients from the outset to get the ball rolling for any of these endeavors. We identify and resolve potential filing issues before a project begins. We can assist with analyzing your competition and even help develop suitable rates and compliant forms. Contact us to learn more.

In case you were wondering, IRC also has a New Year’s resolution…to help you realize a successful 2024!

Be sure to get in touch with us today and let’s bring these goals into fruition together!